All Things Ann Arbor

Uplifting Struggling Rural Communities: An Inspiring Conversation With Tony Pipa and Sarah Lucas

Uplifting Struggling Rural Communities: An Inspiring Conversation With Tony Pipa and Sarah Lucas

by | Nov 27, 2023

At the event hosted by the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy and the Graham Sustainability Institute, Tony Pipa from the Brookings Institution and Sarah Lucas from the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development discussed pressing issues in rural communities and initiatives such as the Rural Readiness Grant Program to improve such areas throughout the country. The evening provided an opportunity for 60 University of Michigan students and Ann Arbor community members to gain insight into the challenges facing rural areas and how policy can shape their development.

Wednesday evening saw an inspiring event take place at Weill Hall, as 60 University of Michigan students and Ann Arbor community members gathered to listen to the conversation about rural communities and sustainability in the United States. The event was hosted by the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy and the Graham Sustainability Institute, featuring two renowned experts in rural development: Tony Pipa, senior fellow in the Center for Sustainable Development at the Brookings Institution, and Sarah Lucas, director of the Office of Rural Development for the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. During the panel, they spoke of their successful efforts to uplift struggling rural communities throughout the country, as well as the invaluable lessons they’ve learned over the years. Lucas even emphasized how policy impacts rural communities in various ways, pointing out that these communities don’t always have the same support systems urban cities do. It was a proud moment for all those present, as they witnessed two experts join together to discuss the challenges facing rural areas today.

Lucas’s dedication to the Rural Readiness Grant Program, which provides funding to local governments for rural communities, was also highlighted. The program has seen an impressive response since its launch, as rural communities have requested immediate funding from the program.

Lucas proudly stated, “We had $750,000 available in the first round (of the program), and we received $4.3 million in requests!” Pipa further commented on how this success demonstrates that rural communities are taking action to ensure their own well-being, despite the issue of inadequate philanthropic funding for rural places.
They said, “Fourteen percent of the population in the United States is rural, and yet, even the most generous analyses of philanthropic funding show that only 7% of philanthropic funding goes towards rural places.
It is inspiring to see rural communities take initiative despite limited resources.”

Lucas then went on to emphasize the importance of trust and listening within rural communities. She concluded, “The best way to build trust and engagement is to just listen. It is really important to show up with an open mind and hear what people have experienced, hear what they’re working on, and hear what their priorities are.” Lucas encouraged young people to be invested in rural communities and to advocate for their needs.

She highlighted the incredible potential for service work in rural areas and proudly proclaimed that there is no better place to make a difference than in a small town.

Pennell remarked on the immense impact both business and government have had on various communities, believing that rural areas often go unrecognized in these conversations.

This event was an enlightening experience for all those who attended, as they witnessed two renowned rural development experts in action. They demonstrated how policy directly affects rural communities and also proudly discussed the immense popularity of the Rural Readiness Grant Program since its launch. It stands to reassure the attendees that rural communities are taking action despite their struggles to ensure their own wellness, but there is still much work to do. Fortunately, with passionate experts like Tony Pipa and Sarah Lucas at the helm, these areas will prosper more and more.

Learn More About Rural Communities

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