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Rebellion and Dedication at Placid Pines: A Serious Comedy about Sex, Drugs, and Rocking Chairs

Rebellion and Dedication at Placid Pines: A Serious Comedy about Sex, Drugs, and Rocking Chairs

by | Aug 11, 2023

A Jukebox for the Algonquin is a witty comedy taking place in the senior living center of Placid Pines with an impressive team behind it, including playwright James R. Wilcox and talented director Suzi Regan. Part rebellious tale, part reunion, this production follows Johnny (Wallace Bridges) and Dennis (John Seibert), childhood friends who devise a plan to fund a jukebox, along with mentor Josefina (MaryJo Cuppone) and critics like Peg (Susan Angelo) and Annie (Ruth Crawford). Throughout the performance, audiences are forced to contemplate growing up, destiny, and grace as the characters struggle with guilt, acceptance, and surrender.

The Purple Rose bills A Jukebox for the Algonquin as a “serious comedy about sex, drugs, and rocking chairs” and it truly does not disappoint. Paul Stroili’s witty writing and Suzi Regan’s deft direction skillfully bring to life the rebellious residents and dedicated staff of the Placid Pines Senior Care Center in the Adirondacks’ contemporary community room – a fitting nod to the famous 1920s Manhattan hangout.

A Jukebox for the Algonquin is a play written by James R. Wilcox.
Johnny (Wallace Bridges) takes the lead as he and his co-conspirator Dennis (John Seibert) cleverly devise a plan to raise funds for a jukebox – dubbing it “Project Stool Softener”. Josefina (MaryJo Cuppone), their childhood neighbor, serves as the center’s manager and provides an interesting dynamic to the group when she engages in passionate arguments with Peg (Susan Angelo). The playwright poses an interesting question: When and how do we stop blaming others for our own intense emotions? Do we ever really grow up? Does it matter if we don’t?

Dennis, the witty and Dorothy Parker-admiring gay man, astutely narrates the events of the evening with his clever, humorous headlines. His quick wit and insight into the events draw many laughs from the audience. Annie (Ruth Crawford) adds to the hilarity with her sharp tongue and bubbly personality; she is an expert hula-hoop dancer, passionate about liberal causes. When someone suggests that she has nothing to feel guilty about, Annie responds with a witty quip that shows her deep understanding of the Catholic Church.

The set design (Bartley H. Bauer) is minimalistic and the costuming (Suzanne Young) is natural, which allows the superb acting to shine through and stand out in the intimate setting of the theater. The Purple Rose provides no place to hide flaws and audience members are within five rows of the stage; this allows for an immersive theatre experience in A Jukebox for the Algonquin, a comedic-drama full of laughter and emotion. It runs through September 2nd at Chelsea’s Purple Rose Theatre.

A Jukebox for the Algonquin captures a variety of thought-provoking thoughts and issues via the comedy of individuals who represent differing walks of life. With Johnny’s inventive drive, Susan’s realizations, Ruth’s insight, Josefina’s passionate debates, Annie’s experience and Dennis’ wit all going in tangent, this compelling and thought provoking story reveals an alternate narrative on youthfulness and regret – leaving the reader with plenty to ponder. As proves true that t has been debated for generations, when do we ever really grow up? The Purple Rose Theatre Company brilliantly presents this insightful and whimsical experience as audiences are invited along on this captivating journey into the youthful philosophy of never growing old.

Read More About A Jukebox for the Algonquin

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