All Things Ann Arbor

Ann Arbor, MI Community

Nicole Elizabeth

Realtor and ICON Agent

Nicole Elizabeth Real Estate

Ann Arbor Ranked #8 Best Place To Live in the US

Ann Arbor Ranked #8 Best Place To Live in the US

The Benefits Of Living In Ann Arbor Ann Arbor is one of Michigan's most vibrant and diverse cities that offers something for everyone. From lush parks and green spaces to a thriving music scene and plenty of shopping and dining options, there is something for every...

University of Michigan Ann Arbor Is Now Bee-Friendly

University of Michigan Ann Arbor Is Now Bee-Friendly

The University of Michigan recently achieved the Bee Friendly Campus USA certification with some inspiring students' help. As part of their SEAS Master's project in 2020-21, the "SEAS Bees" launched a comprehensive plan to conserve pollinators - installing new...

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      Nicole Elizabeth

      Realtor and ICON Agent

      Nicole Elizabeth Real Estate

      Hello, Ann Arbor!

      I’m Nicole Elizabeth from Nicole Elizabeth Real Estate, and I’m your guide to all things Ann Arbor. As a local professional, it is my passion to support local business owners, the backbone of the local economy. This page will find all things Ann Arbor, including articles, news, and videos showcasing local restaurants and businesses. It is always being updated, so check back often. The best way to stay updated is to follow us on Facebook.

      If you have any questions about Ann Arbor, or if you have a business or restaurant in town and want to be featured, please send us a DM from the Facebook page, and we can chat!

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