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How To Prepare For The End Of Daylight Savings Time

How To Prepare For The End Of Daylight Savings Time

by | Feb 9, 2023

Daylight saving time, also known as DST, springs us forward by a single hour; DST signals that winter’s chill is nearly over and brighter days are in store. Although many enjoy the added sunshine after work, extra vigilance should be taken when driving during the adjustment period. Sleep deprivation can occur due to diminished quality caused by readjusting bedtimes, so try and plan accordingly to combat the immediate effects- such as adjusting your alarm time ahead an hour or two before retiring to bed to get up at a reasonable time. Enjoy these extra hours of daylight!

The United States has changed its clocks twice a year since World War II to use daylight better. Daylight saving time (DST) will end this Sunday, November 5th, at 2 a.m., when most Americans will have to set their clocks back an hour. This particular energy-efficient practice was introduced during the war and became permanent during Richard Nixon’s presidency in 1974, during the oil embargo crisis. Even though it doesn’t wholly save energy nowadays, many still partake in this seasonal tradition that marks the passage of time.

The debate over the effectiveness and appropriateness of Daylight Saving Time (DST) has been raging for years. While many countries, states, and cities continue to utilize it, two U.S. states – Hawaii and Arizona – have ultimately decided to opt out of the practice due to concerns over health, jet lag, and energy efficiency. Maintaining DST is hoped to reduce electricity demand at peak times and give people more light in the daytime; however, those opposing this proposal argue that switching between time sets could negatively affect circadian rhythms and disrupt sleep patterns. Who gets to make the final decision if DST is continued or eliminated?

The Ohio General Assembly approved a resolution in 2020 to voice their support for permanent daylight saving time. This resolution is nonbinding, as making such a permanent change would need congressional action. Despite this, the measure is seen by many as a powerful symbolic gesture that could lead more states and members of Congress to move toward an official transition. In addition, the state legislature has urged Ohio residents to contact members of Congress to advocate for the nationwide adoption of the policy. With broader public participation, daylight saving time could finally become a permanent part of our country’s yearly cycle — no more regular transitions from Standard Time!

It’s that time of year again when we must set our clocks back an hour. For many of us, this twice-yearly event is a minor annoyance. But for some, it can be disruptive and even dangerous. According to a recent study, the twice-yearly time change can lead to an increase in car accidents and heart attacks.

To end this yearly ritual, the Senate approved the Sunshine Protection Act in March 2022. The bill would have made daylight saving time permanent in November 2023. However, the bill died in the U.S. House when the 117th Congress adjourned.

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