All Things Ann Arbor

Creating a Clear Path for Sustainable and Affordable Growth in Ann Arbor

Creating a Clear Path for Sustainable and Affordable Growth in Ann Arbor

by | Dec 18, 2023

The City of Ann Arbor has made a historic move towards encouraging equitable development across the downtown area with their unanimous approval of amended zoning changes. These modifications aim to make it easier and faster for developers to build without limiting their ability to include sustainability or affordable housing bonuses in their projects. With the support of Mayor Christopher Taylor and other members of the City Council, Ann Arbor is paving the way for a better tomorrow.

The Ann Arbor City Council has taken a decisive step towards creating a clearer development landscape by unanimously approving downtown zoning changes. The new regulations strive to make the building process more efficient and straightforward while still prioritizing the city’s goals for sustainable and affordable growth. These modifications also eliminate premiums and incentives for developers who include certain features, such as affordable housing, in their projects. With this vote of confidence, Ann Arbor is paving the way for a better future.

The City of Ann Arbor is proud to announce that developers are now able to construct buildings up to the maximum downtown height limits, without needing to meet additional floor-area requirements. This change allows for more flexibility for developers, while still permitting incentives such as sustainable buildings or affordable housing bonuses to be applied. City planners anticipate that the overall size of buildings will remain relatively unchanged, even though there are fewer private developments with affordable housing.

Mayor Christopher Taylor expressed his enthusiasm for the new zoning policy, noting that the city must strive to learn from its mistakes and adjust as necessary. Council Member Lisa Disch also voiced her approval, highlighting the importance of making regulations simpler for developers. Council Member Erica Briggs initially disagreed with the changes, however she eventually came to understand that the premiums were not accomplishing the goals set by the city and supported tightening the definitions for future developments.

The city is confident that the new policy will create an environment where developers can operate with more predictability and confidence while still upholding the city’s commitment to affordable and sustainable development.

Mayor Christopher Taylor and members of the City Council have shown their support for these changes, recognizing the importance of simplifying regulations while still upholding the city’s commitment to affordable and sustainable growth. This decision reflects a willingness to learn from past experiences and adapt policies to better serve the needs of the community.

The new zoning policy not only provides developers with more flexibility but also ensures that the city’s objectives for affordable housing, sustainability, and reduced emissions are still prioritized. By creating a clear and supportive development landscape, Ann Arbor is taking significant steps towards a more vibrant and inclusive future for all its residents.

Overall, this decision demonstrates the City of Ann Arbor’s dedication to fostering equitable development, promoting sustainability, and creating a better tomorrow for its community. With these zoning changes, the city is paving the way for continued economic growth and ensuring that the benefits of development are shared by all.

The passage of this new downtown zoning policy is an exciting step for the City of Ann Arbor, ensuring that there will be more opportunities for economic development and growth. This policy makes life simpler for developers but still sets requirements that prioritize sustainability, reducing emissions, and providing housing options for low- to moderates-income families— making it truly beneficial for the entire city’s residents. With this decision, Ann Arbor has demonstrated its commitment to creating a better future for all members of its community.

Read More About the Zoning Changes

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