All Things Ann Arbor

Achievement Unlocked: Ann Arbor Student Building Industry Program Completes 3,800-Square-Foot Home

Achievement Unlocked: Ann Arbor Student Building Industry Program Completes 3,800-Square-Foot Home

by | Jun 16, 2023

The Ann Arbor Student Building Industry Program has achieved tremendous success with the completion of a stunning 3,800-square-foot home at the end of Sedgewood Lane in the Kirkway subdivision of Scio. After only one year, 32 dedicated students worked diligently from framing to installing drywall, running electricals, setting trusses, and more to complete this remarkable feat.

The Ann Arbor Student Building Industry Program has outdone itself yet again, proving to be a leader in the field of high school building programs across the country. After only one year, the program has completed a stunning 3,800-square-foot home at the end of Sedgewood Lane in the Kirkway of Scio subdivision, and it will proudly be featured during next month’s Parade of Homes. This remarkable feat was accomplished by 32 dedicated students who worked diligently to bring this project from start to finish.

The students have been hands-on in every aspect of the building, from framing to installing drywall, running electrical, and setting roof trusses. With the help of a board of directors with those in the construction industry, as well as funding from the sale of homes built the year before and support from Ann Arbor Public Schools, the program has been able to become an impressive success.

Mark Valchine, Lead Instructor of the Ann Arbor Student Building Industry Program, is proud to see the completion of the $657,000 home which is set to hit the market in mid-June, a project that the students have been working on in three-hour morning and afternoon blocks since the first day of school. Aidan Gray, senior at Ann Arbor Huron, exclaimed his pride in watching the siding go up on the home on Tuesday, May 23, after arriving at the empty lot on the first day of school.

“It’s a pretty good feeling,” he remarked. “It can be overwhelming at first, seeing all of the moving pieces, but once you get a good visual understanding for it all, it all starts to come together.” The program has enabled the students to understand how home construction works, allowing them to learn valuable skills that will benefit them in future endeavors.

Valchine believes this is the largest student home build to be completed in the nation in a single year, a claim that has been backed up by conversations he’s had with other program directors.

What’s more impressive is that the students are responsible for every step of the process, from carpentry and siding installation to HVAC, plumbing, drywall, and electrical work. Under the guidance of experienced professionals, they learn while doing, giving them valuable hands-on experience.

Despite the two lots left of the eight purchased, the Board of Directors of the Ann Arbor Student Building Industry Program are actively seeking additional land to preserve and continue their yearly builds since 1970. Even though it’s difficult due to the limited land available in Ann Arbor, they remain determined to uphold this long-lasting tradition.

The Ann Arbor Student Building Industry Program has established itself as an impressive leader in the field of high school building programs. With dedication and hard work from 32 students and support from the district, instructors, and directory boards with experience in construction a stunning 3,800-square-foot home was created at the end of Sedgewood Lane in the Kirkway of Scio subdivision – set to hit the market mid-June. The completion of this awe-inspiring project is something everyone involved can be proud of and further emphasize how amazing achievements can happen when effort and collaboration combine.

Learn More About the Program
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